Leon County Resource Guide​

The ACE Leon County Human Services Resource Guide 2022-2023 is a comprehensive guide to human services in Leon County. This issue includes the names and contact information for more than 240 local charities and organizations in 15 categories. The resources included in this guide can assist individuals who need to find employment, secure a place to live, access medical care, dental services, substance abuse treatment, mental health, counseling, and parenting services or obtain financial and legal assistance.

It is a valuable tool for any organization who assist persons in need. We welcome charities, churches, and other organizations to include this link on their website. ACELeon.org/leonresourceguide

The guide is updated annually. If your organization would like to be included, please e-mail the name of your organization, a two-three sentence description of the services you provide, your address, phone number, website, hours of operation, and any contact information needed to access your services to [email protected].