Register for Adult High School

Spring Semester January 8 to May 23, 2025

AHS Classes will begin January 13, 2025

To complete this orientation, read all the information on this page and complete the registration form below.

Registration Process
  1. Submit official (unopened) transcript to ACE with contact information so that we can reach you.
  2. We will contact you after we have evaluated your transcript.
  3. Meet with the Student Case Specialist to review your course options.
  4. Pay the $31.50 tuition for the semester.
  5. Confirm your class schedule.
  6. You will receive a welcome email from your teacher with a date for a class-specific orientation to get started.
  • Only $31.50 per semester
  • Friendly and helpful teachers
  • Work at your own pace
  • Career advising to help you with your goals

If you are a high school graduate who wants to take classes to improve your math and/or reading and writing skills, you can enroll in our Academic Skills Building courses.

  • Only $31.50 per semester
  • Friendly and helpful teachers
  • Work at your own pace
  • Career advising to help you with your goals

Please contact Jamilyah Dickey at [email protected] or (850) 717-2030.

Our Classes


English 1
English 2
English 3
English 4


Algebra 1
Algebra 2
Algebra 1-A
Algebra 1-B
Math for College Algebra
Math for College Liberal Arts
Math for Data and Financial Literacy


Physical Science
Earth / Space Science

Social Studies

US History
US Government
World History

To complete this orientation, read all the information on this page and complete the registration form below.

In addition to the Adult High School program at ACE, we have two other options:

  1. Students enrolled in high school who wish to earn credits or improve their grade point average through ACE may contact their high school guidance counselor to request enrollment in the ACE Credit Recovery program. For further information, contact Jamilyah Dickey at [email protected] or 850-717-2030.
  2. Our GED® Prep classes will help you with the skills necessary for obtaining your state of Florida high school diploma by passing the GED® exam. For further information, contact Ms. Denise Kelly at [email protected] or 850-717-2038.

School Rules

  1. Students must wear ID badges at all times.
  2. Students will report to class on time and remain the entire class period. Failure to attend on a regular basis may result in the student’s withdrawal.
  3. Students with vehicles are expected to park in the designated student parking area (ACE campus).
  4. Students are expected to respect the rights and property of other students and staff at all times.
  5. Discriminatory slurs, sexual harassment, vulgar or profane language/gestures, loud, disruptive talk, provision of false information, and moral laxity will not be permitted.
  6. Defacement of school property is a violation of school board policy. All students are expected to refrain from behavior that is damaging to school property.
  7. Students are expected to inform friends and acquaintances not to visit them at school during class time unless prior approval is received from administration.
    Food and beverages are not permitted inside the classrooms unless authorized.
  8. No weapons of any kind are permitted.
  9. Students are expected to dress appropriately for a school environment.
  10. Possession or use of tobacco products, illegal substances, or alcohol is prohibited at all class locations.
  11. Cheating and/or plagiarism will result in student withdrawal from the program.
  12. Personal telephone or other electronic communication devices may not be used during school hours. Devices need to be placed on vibrate or turned off during class time.

Dress Code


  • Masks are optional.


  • Must cover chest/breast and back (no cleavage allowed).
  • Each strap must be 2 inches or wider.
  • Must not expose the stomach or back when both hands are placed above head.
  • Must not show excessive armpit area.
  • Must not be made of “see-through” material.

Skirts, Dresses, and Shorts:

  • Must reach beyond the tips of fingers when in a standing position.

Pants and Shorts:

  • Waist of attire must not fall below the waistline.


  • Boxers, briefs, bras/bra straps, etc. must not be exposed at any time.


  • May not be used for the purpose of covering inappropriate attire.

Attire, Jewelry, and Tattoos:

  • Must not be sexually suggestive.
  • Must not feature crude or vulgar commercial lettering, printing, or drawings.
  • Must not depict drugs, tobacco, or alcoholic beverages.
  • Must not be indicative of gangs or gang membership.
  • Must not be sheer and/or tight to reveal underwear or body parts.
  • Footwear is required.

Medical/Cultural/Religious Attire:

  • Is permitted if part of a cultural activity, a religious uniform, or needed for medical reasons.

You must verify that you have read the School Rules on the Registration Form.

Watch the 3 required orientation videos below before completing the registration form.

Sexual Harassment


Domestic Violence

You must verify that you have watched the Required Orientation Videos on the Registration Form.

To register, you must submit an official (unopened) transcript to ACE with your contact information. Our Student Case Specialist will contact you after reviewing your transcript to discuss your options. If you decide together that our Adult High School program is the best option for you, we will provide you with the registration form to fill out.

If you are under the age of 18, your parent or guardian must be with you to complete the registration form.

Important Information

When you have completed the below online orientation and submitted the registration form, complete the enrollment process by coming to campus the following Tuesday for your Placement and Advising session at one of these times:
8:15 a.m., 12:15 p.m., or 5:15 p.m.

Make sure to bring your government-issued photo ID card (a picture of the ID card will not be accepted) and check in at the front desk. After you complete Tuesday’s session, you will return on Thursday at the same time with your $31.50 payment for tuition and fees (payment is made at the front desk). Be prepared to stay approximately 3-4 hours each day to complete Placement and Advising.



Jamilyah Dickey
Student Case Specialist
[email protected]
(850) 717-2030