3 steps to register an underage student for the GED® test

By Candace Gautney

We often get questions about minors taking the GED® test. Persons over 18 years of age can register online to take the GED® test at any time. However, the state does not allow minors to register for the test unless they are enrolled in GED® Prep classes and have a waiver signed by the administration.  Here are the steps for minors to be able to register.

  • The 16 or 17-year-old is withdrawn from high school.
  • The student enrolls in GED® Prep classes.
  • The student scores a 145 or higher on all four (language arts, math, social studies and science) GED® Ready tests. Once they earn scores that indicate they are likely to pass the actual tests, our administration will process an age waiver to grant permission for the minor to test.

For more information, email us at [email protected] or call 850-717-2020.